The Death-Defying Devil #5

Title: The Death-Defying Devil – Issue: 5
Writer/s: Gail Simone
Artist/s: Walter Geovani

The Death-Defying ‘Devil, aka Bart Hill, has done everything he can to protect the residents of the Winslow House from the evil that wants their home. Will he have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the people that took him in when he needed help the most?

Jerome is the nerd you're looking for - loves comic books, video games, and all things tech. He writes and does digital marketing on the side, apart from being a full-time dog dad of two hyperactive pooches.


Cover Artist/s: Erica Henderson

Cover Artist/s: Riccardo Federici

Cover Artist/s: Riccardo Federici

Cover Artist/s: In-Hyuk Lee

Comics Network Australia
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