There are two things that I rarely experience as a comic book fan: hate the main character so much and love his number two so much. That’s how I feel with Leigh Chalker’s Battle for Bustle #3, one of the most brilliant stories I’ve read in a while.
Whilst it doesn’t have the production value of Marvel’s The Punisher, its complexity and great storytelling kills it every time. There’s also the introduction of Lennox Handson, in my opinion one of the most badass characters in the history of Australian comic books.
The Story and Writing of Battle for Bustle Issue 3: Here He Comes

Battle for Bustle #3 is an Australian comic book published by Reverie Publications. The story is written by Leigh Chalker and Tamera Gaylard, with Leigh Chalker handling the art.
The story follows the scenes from last time, where Christopher Battle gets into a deep pickle with the Pigmen. As the Pigmen corner him, his chaperone joins the fray. His chaperone is Lennox Handson, the man with 100 hands and 100 guns.
The writing for Battle for Bustle has always been superb. In truth, I admire how Leigh is willing to get out there and away from the usual tropes. The action genre can be bombastic when it wants, but rarely does it deal with long-term storytelling.
This is prime example of solid, consistent, and powerful storytelling. So far, the comic book still reflects Leigh’s macabre humour. The story still puts 091177, Christopher Battle, as this revered figure of freedom, hope, and courage.
He is anything but.
Battle himself is a selfish coward who cares for nobody but his self-interest. He puts everyone around him in danger and there is no issue where he doesn’t endanger his comrades. Lennox Handson, on the other hand, works as a superb foil.
Lennox works in the shadows and has been nothing but the real MVP of the entire chapter. I’ll get out of the way and avoid spoiling his feats, but he is the cover person for a reason: Handson is the Hand, son.
His weird powers and mutation makes him one of the most competent warriors in Australian comics. He is on par with some of the industry legends, and it would be a shame if he somehow goes out guns blazing.
Lennox also cares about his community. He’s polite to allies and a spectre to his enemies. He is relentless, but also does a thankless job of taking care of the most selfish person in Battle for Bustle.
Chalker’s story is progressing quite nicely, with the lower class starting to fight back. As they are still sheep herded by pigs, they are showing signs that they’re growing horns.
Art of Battle for Bustle #3: The Hustle for Bustle
The art of Battle for Bustle is classic Leigh Chalker, with his signature chaotic pencilwork, sharp design, and liberal use of shading. His art design is getting cleaner with every issue, and Issue #3 is leagues better than the previous two.
The cover art is quite superb, which looks like it started as an acrylic painting. The greens work nicely as a contrast to the previous reds and blues used to represent Christopher Battle. The green nicely represents the immature rage, and the youth Lennox brings.
I’m happy that we’re also seeing more from the authoritarians, with the government becoming more and more monstrous as time goes by. The world is also growing further than the precipices of the sewers and hidden locales. We’re brought back to the city, where there are all manners of people and surveillance.
Chalker is excellent at drawing background art. Everything fits each other. Everything is logical, and the world feels very alive.
Should You Read Battle For Bustle #3?
There’s no question this time: Leigh Chalker’s Battle for Bustle #3 is a must-read. It makes the entire story much better, moving it forward a ton. There is still so much left to tell of this fascinating story, as people are starting to fight back.
Is Chris Battle worth the world? Is he who will not wear the mask of subordination hero we need or deserve? We will find out in the next issue.