Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen #9 (Of 12)

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen – Issue: 9
Writer/s: Matt Fraction
Artist/s: Steve Lieber

Jimmy and Jix are on the run, pursued by an intergalactic death force that wants to break up their marriage by any means necessary. If they succeed in offing Jimmy, their prince regent plans to marry Jix and unite their warring empires…but Jimmy Olsen’s still busy trying to solve his own murder! (Or rather, his decoy corpse’s murder.) It’s a typical day for Superman’s pal…

Jerome is the nerd you're looking for - loves comic books, video games, and all things tech. He writes and does digital marketing on the side, apart from being a full-time dog dad of two hyperactive pooches.


Cover Artist/s: Ben Oliver

Comics Network Australia
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