Outer Darkness Chew #2 (OF 3)

Title: Outer Darkness Chew – Issue: 2
Writer/s: John Layman
Artist/s: Rob Guillory
Cover: Afu Chan

The space-faring crew of the Charon has faced death in all its many forms and fought all manner of creatures dark, diabolic, and demonic. Today, they face their deadliest threat yet. Yes, intrepid space travelers, murder has a name-and that name is POYO!

Hero is Training. Fearless Leader of ComX: Doing all I can to promote the Australian Comic Community and Industry. Brought up on continual rations of Team based comics, from West Coast Avengers to the Legion of SuperHeroes to New Mutants to JLA to Gen13 to New Men to DV8 to Titans to Young Justice to ALL things X. I’ve happily dropped all those to explore the wonderous world of Australian Comics.


Cover Artist/s: Rob Guillory

Comics Network Australia
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