G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #271

Title: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero – Issue: 271
Writer/s: Larry Hama
Artist/s: Robert Atkins

“SNAKE HUNT” Part 6! We’re at the midpoint, and the thrills are just getting started! Cobra Commander wants a Snake Eyes of his own. The Joes have other ideas. It’ll take two armies to settle this dispute! It’s all hands on deck for both G.I. Joe and Cobra as living legend Larry Hama and fan-favorite artist Robert Atkins continue their massive 10-issue event… featuring EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF G.I. JOE! There’s no halftime break in this contest, folks! All action, all the time!

Hero is Training. Fearless Leader of ComX: Doing all I can to promote the Australian Comic Community and Industry. Brought up on continual rations of Team based comics, from West Coast Avengers to the Legion of SuperHeroes to New Mutants to JLA to Gen13 to New Men to DV8 to Titans to Young Justice to ALL things X. I’ve happily dropped all those to explore the wonderous world of Australian Comics.


Cover Artist/s: Jamie Sullivan

Comics Network Australia
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