
Hawkman #27

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: Hawkman – Issue: 27
Writer/s: Robert Venditti

Hawks reborn! Hawkman and Hawkwoman receive the precious gift of life one last time and return to the past where they were happiest—back with the Justice Society of America! But nostalgia’s not all it’s cracked up to be with the Injustice Society on the loose! And who’s the mysterious figure plotting to cut Hawkman’s final life short from the shadows?

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Wonder Woman Giant #4

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: Wonder Woman 84 Giant – Issue: 4

Wonder Woman Giant #4 includes these new stories:

* “Hope Springs Eternal,” a 16-page story written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner with art by Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran

Wonder Woman visits an old friend on her last day, but afterward, Diana’s day turns into a nightmare. Meanwhile, the Penguin gathers a group of villains to enact a new plan against their heroic enemies!  

* “Gundra the Great,” an 8-page story written by Jeff Parker with art by Aneke

Wonder Woman responds to a distress call in a tiny village and discovers a displaced Valkyrie from Asgard, but is she friend…or foe?

* New cover by Mikel JanÃn
  “Year One part four,” from Wonder Woman #10 (2017)
* “Secret Origin part four,” from Green Lantern #32 (2008)
* “The Catalyst part four,” from Sword of Sorcery #3 (2013)

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Hawkman #23

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: Robert Venditti – Issue: 23
Writer/s: Robert Venditti

Cloaked in black and wearing the eerie mask of a hawk, the mysterious Plague Doctor roams 17th century Europe in an attempt to ease the suffering of those who fall victim to the Black Death. But how is the Doctor supposed to help anyone when he’s hated and feared for his unique immunity to the disease? It’s mind versus body as Carter Hall relives his most tragic past life in a last stand to fight off Sky Tyrant’s control over his body for good!

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