
Wonder Woman #762

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: Wonder Woman – Issue: 762
Writer/s: Mariko Tamaki
Artist/s: Carlo Barberi

Random acts of violence are breaking out all over the Earth, and Wonder Woman is closing in on the source. The problem? It looks like a new ally is to blame for the widespread pandemonium. Check out the debut of the deadly new villain Liar Liar in this issue, plus the shocking connection between this new threat and a face from the past…

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The Terrifics #30

The Terrifics #30

Publisher: DC COMICS
Title: The Terrifics – Issue: 30
Writer/s: Gene Luen Yang
Artist/s: Carlo Barberi
Cover: Dan Mora

Sebastian Stagg and his council of cash have taken the Terrifics for a ride…but don’t count Michael Holt out just yet – that big brain of his still has a trick or two up its sleeve (it’s…brain sleeve? I guess? You get it.) But in the battle against mountains of cash, do a few good ideas stand a chance? Find out in the dramatic conclusion to the fight for Gateway City and for the Stagg fortune…not everyone will be walking away from this one in one piece (especially not whoever had to fight Lobo!)

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