Gi Joe A Real American Hero #275

Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero – Issue: 275
Artist/s: Robert Atkins

Part 10 is the exciting conclusion to “SNAKE HUNT,” a fantastic new chapter in the Snake Eyes lore! Cover B for issues #271-#275 will be 5 interlocking All Hands on Deck covers by artist Jamie Sullivan.

In this special expanded issue, Cobra Commander wants a Snake Eyes of his own, but the Joes have other ideas. It’s all hands on deck for both G.I. JOE and Cobra as living legend Larry Hama and fan-favorite artist Robert Atkins join together to conclude this massive 10-issue event… featuring EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF G.I. JOE!

Jerome is the nerd you're looking for - loves comic books, video games, and all things tech. He writes and does digital marketing on the side, apart from being a full-time dog dad of two hyperactive pooches.


Cover Artist/s: Jamie Sullivan

Comics Network Australia
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