Falcon & Winter Soldier #3 (Of 5)

Title: Falcon & Winter Soldier – Issue: 3
Writer/s: Derek Landy
Cover: Dan Mora

• Hot on the trail of the Natural – a gifted new killer who has already beaten them once – Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes track him down…to his parents’ house. Where they meet the biggest Captain America fans who ever were.
•  From a living room full of Cap memorabilia to a warehouse full of Hydra agents, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier are closing in on their ultimate quarry:  the prospective new Hydra Supreme.
Rated T+

Jerome is the nerd you're looking for - loves comic books, video games, and all things tech. He writes and does digital marketing on the side, apart from being a full-time dog dad of two hyperactive pooches.

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