Antoinette Rydyr
Weird Wild Writer & Artist
Comic Creator
About Me
Antoinette Rydyr is an artist and writer working in the genres of science-fiction, fantasy and horror usually bent into a surrealist and satirical angle. She works with fellow creator, Steve Carter and together they are known as SCAR. They have produced comics and cartoons, graphic novels, award-winning screenplays, prose fiction and novels.
Antoinette’s art and fiction has appeared on Grim Deeds album covers and in various Printed in Blood artbook projects including “The Thing ArtBook”, “Stranger Things ArtBook”, “Ghostbusters ArtBook” and “Firefly Artbook”.
Her surrealist and bizarre stories have been published in “Surreal Grotesque”, “Antipodean SF 250 – 21 Years of Spec-Fic Downside-Up”, “Surreal Worlds” and “More Bizarro Than Bizarro” anthologies by Bizarro Pulp Press USA, and the “Spawn Anthology” published by IFWG Publishing. In 2018 their debut steampunk western novel, “WEIRD WILD WEST” Parts 1 & 2 was published by Bizarro Pulp Press and “WEIRD WILD WEST” Part 3 was published in 2019.
As the creative team SCAR they have also written screenplays including “CURSE OF THE SWAMPIES”, a psychosexual horror science fiction film which won “Best Feature Film Screenplay” at the A Night of Horror International Film Festival 2010, and “LEFT TURN”, a crime thriller which was a Finalist at the A Night of Horror International Film Festival, 2012.
SCAR have recently published a series of graphic novels which can be found on their Amazon Author page: “Carter Rydyr”, and all online booksellers, including:
The science-fiction fantasy anthology called “FANTASTIQUE”, the dystopian future of “NEW WORLD DISORDER”, the out-of-this-world comic anthology of “WEIRD WORLDS – SUBVERSIVE SCIENCE FICTION STORIES”, and the puzzling picture book “MISTER IDEALIZE LEAVES THE BUILDING” which is being published by Shooting Star Press
Awards Won (each award on a new line)
Winner of The Golden Stapler Award for Best Collaborative Zine 2011 for “Femonsters”
Winner of Best Feature Film Screenplay at the A Night of Horror International Film Festival 2010 for “Curse of the Swampies”
Winner of the 2023 Ledger of Honour Award
Work is of these types/genres
** All claims made by Comic Creatives are their own and not those of ComX.net.au
*** All art remains the intellectual property of the artist and may not be used or reproduced without explicit permission from the actual artist