Wrath of the Cursed has been quite the journey, and like all good things, we must get to an end – and it’s about time. I’ve been on a six review journey so far, so it’s time to complete the saga.
Wrath of the Cursed’s last three stories – The Lapwing, Fear The Cursed, and Remembrance Day, are some of the shortest side stories in the collection. Today, we’ll look at how they fare not only as stories but as stories that do justice to the universe.
Let’s give them a look.
The Lapwing Review: Too Good, Too Short
The Lapwing is a short story written, drawn, and lettered by Matt Kyme, with Roger Stitson providing proofreading. The story follows the new Cursed, a female who is interrogating a mafia boss for information.
As she pares down the mob, she remembers her childhood adventures to Africa and how it formed who she is. As a story, it works more as an origin story of sorts. Even then, it feels a little out of place.
So far, there’s very little in the way of build-up for the character for us to care. From what I know, the female Cursed comes from a separate comic by Matt, so it’s likely that I’m not getting the full story with her. Even then, I could only work with what I know at the moment.
The Lapwing has a so-so story and would benefit nicely from some more pages. As it is, it feel a little more incomplete than usual, which can be problematic.
Fear The Cursed Review: Jokes Ahoy

Fear The Cursed is another short story written and lettered by Matt Kyme, with Angie Spicer working on the art. The story follows a group of people in the O’Harrigan bar, where smugglers and all manners of evil people converge. As they talk business, a superstitious gangster was getting nervous, afraid of the Cursed’s potential presence.
Fear The Cursed is one of the more entertaining short stories within the collection. It is a nice break from the gorgeous art of Matt Kyme, using more comedic styles and cute designs. It contrasts quite nicely with the appearance of The Cursed.
As a story, this is among the more complete, and it’s quite satisfying to boot. As a standalone side story, it’s quite the enjoyable treat. It’s not the most fitting continuation to the series, but it still works.
Remembrance Day Review: True Ending
Remembrance Day is the last of the trio of stories, with the story written by Roger Stitson, art by Matt Kyme, and lettering from Graeme Jackson. The story follows a man in 1988 reminiscing a train stopover in Nazi Berlin. As it happens, a man helps a parent and a child to escape from pursuing soldiers.
The story of Remembrance Day is one of the stories in Wrath of the Cursed that fits the most. In my headcanon, this story is the definitive modern prologue of the entire series. It works as an endpoint for what seems to be the sad, endless responsibility of protecting the world.
This story is one of the more critical side stories out there. For those reading the collection, the original four main stories plus Remembrance Day offers the best possible timeline.
The side story is quite complex for how short it is. It’s well-thought-out and offers a satisfying tale for those wanting a good ending.
Wrath of the Cursed Is A Must Read
This completes Wrath of the Cursed. Should you read these stories? The answer is yes, especially Remembrance Day. If you’re a fan of Wrath of the Cursed, these will fill on the gaps on the entire timeline.
With this done, I’m looking forward to reading the other comic books like Demon. We’ll get there, eventually. Until then, the Cursed walks and will like those who dare defile the weak and innocent.