SKU: SeaMandrillsEarth01

Sea Mandrills From Earth #1


A lone figure stalks the barren dust plains of Mars. He is Mikn’ay, a savage Sea Mandrill on a mission. His tribe is under threat, and he will let nothing stop him from saving them. In this first issue he will battle the monstrous fauna, and the harsh Martian landscape with bestial fury.

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A lone figure stalks the barren dust plains of Mars. He is Mikn’ay, a savage Sea Mandrill on a mission. His tribe is under threat, and he will let nothing stop him from saving them. In this first issue he will battle the monstrous fauna, and the harsh Martian landscape with bestial fury.


With blood soaked monster versus monster battles, this is the first chapter of a new Sci-Fi/Fantasy Epic. Inspired by old Savage Sword Of Conan comics, and of course Sea Monkeys, this is a book for lovers of brutal action.


16 pages. Black and white.

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