Darren Koziol
DARK OZ - Dreams Inspire Reality!
Comic Creator
About Me
Publishing as DARK OZ (established January 2009), Darren Koziol (DK) has been creating and producing comic books continuously since 2010 – DECAY #1 released March 2010. He has produced and published the independent Australian anthology series’ DECAY (24 issues) and Retro Sci-Fi Tales (11 issues so far) – all at a BIG 52 pages per issue. He also wrote & published several one-shot comics (spin-offs from the anthologies) Sisters, Cthulhu, Black Label (two issues), etc, and has contributed to Heavy Metal magazine (fantasy illustrated) in the US, Clive Barker tribute books, several local comics and more.
Darren mainly produces large format anthologies, working with dozens of creators per issue – over 200 creators featured and still going strong. DARK OZ comics are the biggest and best showcase of local creators – “every issue is a showcase of the incredible talent Australia has to offer” – DK. Darren takes the comics to conventions/events Australia wide, and was also an exhibitor at San Diego Comic Con in 2016 (the only Australian exhibitor there), exhibiting in the Small Press section in the main trade hall.
As an author Darren writes most of the stories in the comics. As an editor he publishes stories from many other writers. As an art director he has worked with over 100 Australian artists and several international guests. As a designer he prepares the comics for print, including lettering and speech bubbles.
Darren self publishes for the creative freedom – writing hundreds of short stories, inventing new worlds, characters and story arcs, while sourcing and working with dozens of incredibly talented artists per issue (all listed on the DARK OZ website). “The comics are FUN – the aim, even with the horror comics, is to always have fun – and to work with amazing artists” – DK. Pat Mills, the Godfather of British comics and creator of 2000AD, reviewed DARK OZ comics: “I like the mainstream quality about them, they’re accessible and cool – anyone can pick them up and ‘get it’ – that’s important” – Pat Mills.
Darren is now working with the Australian film industry, selecting & collaborating with artists from DARK OZ comics to supply concept drawings, movie prop art, comic book adaptations, storyboards, etc. For Umbrella Entertainment Darren adapted, wrote and produced a series of four comic books – Australia’s FIRST EVER ‘Ozploitation Classics’ official comic book movie adaptations: Stunt Rock (1978), Deathcheaters (1976), Money Movers (1978) and the cult classic Midnite Spares (1983). Both Stunt Rock and Deathcheaters were directed by legendary Australian director Brian Trenchard-Smith – quoted as being one of Quentin Tarantino‘s favourite directors. Look for the printed mini comic books included inside remastered Blu-Ray releases of each movie, and more movie related news/comics to be announced in the future.
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*** All art remains the intellectual property of the artist and may not be used or reproduced without explicit permission from the actual artist