
Orcs #3

Publisher: BOOM! STUDIOS
Title: Orcs – Issue: 3

  • Bog, Pez, Zep, Utzu and Gurh are off on their own, out in the Known World, and fending for themselves for the first time, which is GREAT!
  • After all, what numbskull would mess with a pack of Orcs?!
  • Well, hunger might. Or enchanted mushrooms.
  • And, of course, there are folks out in the Eerieasallhel forest who are even bigger, stronger, and more bloodthirsty than Orcs are… like Trolls?
  • Luckily, Orcs aren’t exactly known for fighting fair!


Cover Artist/s: Sweeney Boo


Orcs #2

Publisher: BOOM! STUDIOS
Title: Orcs – Issue: 2

After getting into trouble with the fearsome squirrels of the Eerieasallhel forest, Bog, Zep, Pez, Utzu and Gurh are in for a fight for their lives against the tiny (but territorial!) beasties. Then it’s back home to get even with King Hrogragah for sending them on a fool’s errand! Plus, there’s something weird about their haul, it might be something more exciting than just acorns… it’s just too bad it might get them kicked out!


Cover Artist/s: Sweeney Boo

Cover Artist/s: Mirka Andolfo

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